Sunday, May 6, 2012

Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever! (Giant Little Golden Book)

Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever! (Giant Little Golden Book) Review

From the cheery sun on the first page, to the sleepy moon on the last, and throughout all 290 pages in between, there are stories, rhymes and fun with the one-and-only Richard Scarry. Classic tales, alphabet and counting stories, lots of new words and concepts, and visits around town, to the airport, and across the world make this essential book that will captivate even the most restless child.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Giant Thief

Giant Thief Review

Meet Easie Damasco, rogue, thieving swine and total charmer.

Even the wicked can't rest when a vicious warlord and the force of enslaved giants he commands invade their homeland.  Damasco might get away in one piece, but he's going to need help.
Big time.
File Under: Fantasy [ Big Trouble | Deception | Saltlick's City | Hang 'im High ]

e-book ISBN: 978-0-85766-212-5

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Shoulders of Giants

The Shoulders of Giants Review

Jake Abraham is 28, and he’s just fulfilled an ambition. After three years of grunt work for a detective agency, he’s finally got his private investigator’s license, and set up on his own. Jake is a child of the eighties, brought up by Jim Rockford, Thomas Magnum, and three beautiful girls who worked for a man named Charlie, so he thinks he knows what to expect. His first case even seems like an easy one. All he has to do is find a missing girl.

Chicago Police Detective Scott Bales picked up the phone when a city broker was found dead in his car at eight in the morning. It means he’s in charge when, one by one, eight more bodies show up, all of whom died by the same hands. One of the bodies belongs to Susan Patterson, the daughter of a disgraced former Police Captain who just happens to be Jake’s client.

Inexperienced, determined and resourceful, Jake is convinced he has what it takes to bring the killer to justice.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Deja Blue: The New York Giants' 2011 Championship Season

Deja Blue: The New York Giants' 2011 Championship Season Review

This commemorative book on the Super Bowl XLVI champions provides a visual look at the New York Giants’ road to glory and their 21–17 victory over the New England Patriots. Packed with stunning action photography, stories, and analysis from the New York Post, the celebratory account takes readers from the season opener on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the Giants’ overtime win in San Francisco that clinched the NFC title to Mario Manningham’s fourth-quarter catch to set up the game-winning score in the Super Bowl. In-depth profiles of Giants stars, including quarterback Eli Manning, defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul, and receiver Victor Cruz, make this keepsake book an essential part of any fan’s collection.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Inside the Giant Machine: An Story (Green Critter Cover) with a Short Introduction in German

Inside the Giant Machine: An Story (Green Critter Cover) with a Short Introduction in German Review

Note: This book is in English, with a brief introduction by the author in German.
Behind Amazon's quirky smile logo lurks a cold and calculating giant machine. Author Kalpanik S. reveals his own smile as he tells the somewhat quirky story of his complex, and often hilarious, relationship with Amazon. From the sophisticated wit in his portrayal of the courtship period in "How To Get Hired By Amazon In Ten Days", to the dark humor of the disillusionment period in "The Cold, Calculating Machine", Kalpanik's story is more than just an insider's view of the giant machine known as It's a modern, universal story of the uneasy relationship between an individual and today's gargantuan corporations. In the end, it is also a story of redemption for creative and free thinking individuals that define America.

Hinter schrulligen Lächeln Amazon-Logo verbirgt sich ein kalt und berechnend gigantischen Maschine. Autor Kalpanik S. offenbart seine eigene Lächeln, als er den etwas schrulligen Geschichte seines erzählt, und oft urkomisch, das Verhältnis zu Amazon. Von seinem anspruchsvollen Witz in seiner Darstellung der Zeit seiner Bewerbung in "How To Get Hired By Amazon In Ten Days”, zu dem dunklen Humor der Zeit der Ernüchterung in “The Cold, Calculating Machine”, ist Kalpanik Geschichte mehr als nur ein Insider-Blick in die riesige Maschine die man als kennt. Es ist eine moderne, universelle Geschichte der schwierige Beziehung zwischen einer Person und der heutigen gigantischen Konzernen. Am Ende ist es auch eine Geschichte der Erlösung für kreative und freigeistige Menschen, die definieren, Amerika.

About the Author

Kalpanik S. is the pen name of a foreign-born technologist. He came to the USA on a fellowship from the University of California to do research in Computer Science. After completing his Graduate studies, Kalpanik worked at several technology companies in various parts of the United States including Silicon Valley in California and Se. He has been writing a journal about his "journey'" through the US, and he finally decided to get it published.


Ich muss gestehen, dass Englisch meine dritte Sprache ist, und, obwohl ich drei professionelle Englisch-Editoren zum Preis von Tausenden von Dollar einsetzte, ist es offensichtlich - auch zu mir, dass dieses Buch von einem im Ausland geboren Autor geschrieben wurde.

Im Ausland geboren oder nicht, ich glaube, ich habe ein Talent fürs Geschichten erzählen, und ich habe ein dumpfes Thema - die Umwandlung von Amazon von einem Einzelhandelsunternehmen Website zu einem Marktplatz - in eine interessante und lebendige Geschichte verwandelt.

Also, wenn Sie für eine tausend-seitige Abhandlung über Amazon, die als Beispiel für perfekte Grammatik in der Hohen Schule der englischen Grammatik Klasse verwendet wird suchen, dann wird dieses Buch vielleicht nicht das richtige für Sie sein. Halten Sie hier - es gibt viele andere Bücher über Amazon mit perfekter Grammatik, die auch perfekt langweilig sind!

Nun, ein Buch über Amazon kann ziemlich trocken sein, deshalb habe ich versucht, etwas Humor hinzuzufügen. In meinem Versuch dieses Buch lustig zu machen, kann ich ein paar Fakten gestreckt haben. Die Herausforderung mit Humor ist, dass nicht alle Versuche, witzig zu sein erfolgreich sind, und nicht jeder versteht alle Witze. Im Allgemeinen, wenn etwas wirklich merkwürdig oder seltsam klingt, dann ist das mein Versuch witzig zu sein.

Schließlich, zitiere ich diese Passage aus „ 21 Dog Years: Doing Time @“ von Mike Daisey, ein gemeinsamer Amazon Alumnus, der zum Autor wurde: "Einige Fakten wurden bei der Erzählung dieser Geschichte verletzt. Die Wahrheit aber bleibt unverletzt. "

Das gilt ebenso für dieses Buch.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Ninth Generation: Surviving The Giants Of The Pre-Flood Earth

The Ninth Generation: Surviving The Giants Of The Pre-Flood Earth Review

The warning cry of a ram's horn pierces the stillness of a tree village but it comes too late. A daughter is missing and giant human-like tracks point south to a mysterious island, land of the Nephilim. Prepare to be catapulted into a romantically beautiful but evil antediluvian world. Journey with Methuselah's 112-yr-old son as he enters the lair of a supernatural adversary on a desperate rescue attempt. Winged hunters, behemoths and the river monster Leviathan await. The ancient world is on the edge of genetic destruction. Who are these strange occupants of an earth headed toward a watery cataclysm? Is it the end or is it the dawn of legends? Grippingly entertaining, edifying, and revealing - a supernatural adventure novel based on the Genesis record.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Giants and the Joneses

The Giants and the Joneses Review

“All wet!” said Poppy.
“Yuk!” said Stephen. “Was that a kiss?”
Before Colette could answer, it was her turn. She was lifted up and brought toward the shining pink lips. She closed her eyes. The next second she felt a dampness all over her cheek and an explosion in her ear.
She dared herself to open her eyes, and caught a glimpse of a hairy nostril before she was lowered again and pushed through a door.

Tiny people and a GIANT adventure!

Jumbeelia the young giantess loves to hear the old story about the iggly plop who climbed up the bimplestonk to the giants’ land of Groil. Then, one day, she throws a bimple over the edge of Groil.

Down, down, down Jumbeelia climbs—right down into the land of the iggly plops, where she discovers Colette, Poppy, and Stephen Jones; puts them into her canvas bag; and carries them back to Groil.

Soon the children find themselves shut in her dollhouse, with no visible means of escape. With danger surrounding them at every turn, the children must use all their wits to survive and figure out a way to get back home . . .